Warehouse worker full time – tempo team – Veenendaal

tempo team


Do you like to be active and earn money at the sametime? Then this vacancy is made for you! Come and work as awarehouse worker at DPD in Veenendaal! You will earn between €13,68 and € 19,83 per hour, depending which shift you work. Youalso have super nice colleagues! What else do you want!?

We do not provide housing. If you are EU-citizenand need accommodation you can apply here:

Whatwe offer

  • A salary of€ 13,68 (18+)!
  • Earn € 19,83 with allowances atnight!
  • Nice colleagues and a great workingatmosphere!
  • Flexible workinghours
  • Growth opportunities to e.g.foreman
  • You can start immediately if you wantto

Who youare

As a warehouse worker youare not afraid of physical work. At DPD you are on the move all daylong and you will load and unload packages! In addition, it isimportant that you are:

  • You arephysically fit to lift packages up to 20kilos
  • You can work during the week (no work onweekends)
  • You are available in the followingshifts: 19:00-03:30. Other shifts are extra and optional:14:00-22:30, 22:30-07:00

Whatwill you do

As a warehouseworker at DPD you are always busy. Together with your colleaguesyou will load and unload the trucks. You will lift the packagesfrom the truck to the right band or the other way around! You willsee all kinds of packages: small, large, light, heavy, a bit ofeverything! Some packages weigh up to 20 kilos! You really needmuscles for this, so one thing is for sure: you can skip the gymfrom now on!

Where will youwork

Who does not know DPD?Chances are that DPD has also delivered a package at your home! Asa warehouse worker you ensure that all packages are delivered tothe customer on time. Of course you don’t have to do this byyourself, you will work together with super nice colleagues! At DPDyou will work in a hardworking team where job satisfaction is veryimportant! So, time flies! Furthermore, DPD also thinks about yourdevelopment. You can for example grow to be a foreman or have achance at a permanent contract! Moreover, they ensure that you canget something tasty during the break sometimes. For example, friesor kebab, that will be delicious!!


Do you want to startworking as a warehouse worker at DPD ? That’s possible! Applydirectly. Resume is not needed. We will speak to each other soon!Do you have any questions? You can call or mail us.

Uiteraard staat deze vacature open voor iedereen die zich hierinherkent.

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